Train with confidence for survival with scenarios based on real world situations and develop the skills to




INVICTUS a Latin word meaning “undefeated or unconquerable.”

Invictus Defense Concepts started during a late night brainstorm after seeing the aftermath of tragedy upon people that were victimized by others. I listened to how they wish they had a way to protect themselves or loved ones, how they wish they had some training, to build confidence and know how in defending themselves. They wanted someone to teach them. They were tired of being the victim.

Many people move through their daily lives unaware of the fact that they may be within arms reach of the bad guys waiting for an opportunity. The news tells us at all hours of the day of the violent acts that “predators” are willing to enact upon those they choose as their “prey.”

Now what if those tables were turned?



Invictus Defense Concepts provides personal defense training, firearm training for people that are new to the gun world and concealed carry courses. Through real world training scenarios you’ll build the foundation for the confidence needed to defend yourself against a life or death situation. If you’re looking to become more familiar with your firearm or looking to obtain your concealed carry license contact me. I’m here to help. Group and private lessons are available.

Henley wrote, “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”

Let me help you not be a victim and fall prey to the predators that walk among us. Because at the end of the day, your safety and the safety of your loved ones is priority .